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Continuum PPM Features

Deliver Your Projects Predictably & Consistently

Enable your project team to collaborate on projects and maintain real-time and accurate project status throughout the project life cycle. 

Your managers can proactively identify and resolve potential issues in the early stages of a project and do a lessons learned based on actual effort once completed to improve future projections. 

Eliminate the overhead and frustration of chasing down updates from team members. The result is a significantly improved and streamlined project delivery process based on best practice approaches leading to increased billable utilization, project margins and satisfied clients. 

Easily & Efficiently Track Your Teams Time & Expenses ​

Make time tracking an integral time management tool for your team instead of a necessary evil.

Allow your team to instantly see the time and expenses associated with projects. Get real-time profitability and resource allocation insight.

For billable services organizations, expense management is critical. Allow your team to capture expenses with a simple intuitive interface both on the web and remotely ensuring every entry is accurate and on time.

Gain Granular Insights & Visibility into Resources

Proactively ensure that the right resources are working on the right tasks based on real-time project timelines and projections early in the project lifecycle.

A resource dashboard showing your entire team’s allocation allows you to efficiently level resource demand on projects that are work in progress in addition to future opportunity projects in the pipeline.

Continuum PPM’s innovative scheduling module is intuitive, flexible and highly configurable. It adapts and integrates with your organization’s people, projects and finances. 

Track & Manage project proposals from Internal Clients with Integrated Proposal Management

Manage your entire project proposal pipeline to help prioritize work based on stakeholder needs.

Analyze project performance across the organization and have real-time insight into the work in progress and remaining budget by internal client. The module is fully integrated with all elements of the solution.

Factor in resource demand for proposed projects in conjunction with projects in flight and be confident you have the resources needed to effectively deliver. 

Reduce your Budget Reporting with Integrated Cross Charging

You’re already tracking your milestones, time, rates, and expenses. With integrated cross charging, you can now simply send your cross charge report detailing exactly how much was charged in a reporting period.

Eliminate the confusion and overhead of your cross charge process. Reduce your cross charge reporting cycle from days to hours. Create cross charges in batch and send them to your accounting solution in minutes.

Focused Dashboards & Reports Keep your Team Informed

Configurable dashboards keep you informed on what’s really going on with your projects in real-time. 

Continuum PPM’s Dashboard module provides stakeholders and team members with a 360° view of their organization at a glance. 

With the Dashboard module you gain instant insight into critical business data, metrics and trends that affect your project delivery, internal client reporting, financial management and proposal management.

Run Your Business on the Go with our Mobile Apps

Simplify time and expense entry for your team with a mobile time and expense tracking app for both iOS and Android.

Continuum’s iOS & Android apps allows your project team to track their time and expenses anywhere, anytime on their smartphone.

Consultants simply login and record their time while on site or on the road without the need to carry a laptop. Take a picture of your receipts and enter expenses real-time. They’re instantly synced with the central solution.

Perfect Reviews

“CrossConcept Continuum brings all your Project management requirements into a single app”

Perfect Reviews

“Amazing product, great for managing projects, resources & time! We would highly recommend to any business.”

Trusted By 1000's of Customers Worldwide

“I don’t think of it as just a PPM system, but rather as a business solution that enables me to manage my entire business on a daily basis. We seen a monthly calculated saving of 18.5% on-time usually spent using legacy systems, spreadsheets, and outdated methods”

Brian PavIidis, CEO

Net2Net IT Solutions

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We help you implement best practice project delivery to reduce costs & improve margins.

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