One Solution.
Best Practice Project Delivery.
We help you implement best practice project delivery to reduce costs & streamline reporting & workflows

Made For Teams to Streamline Project Delivery
Continuum PPM optimizes your teams capacity, gives you real time project status, track benefits and keeps your stakeholders informed across the enterprise.
Centralize Your Project Management
A full lifecycle platform providing you with the ability to plan, prioritize, execute and evaluate your project portfolios from one, central source.
Digitize Your PMO
Digitize your programs and lifecycles, make more informed decision-making, and streamline your reporting.

The Effective Way To Manage Team Projects & Tasks
It’s time to give your team everything they need to stay in sync, hit deadlines, and reach your goals.

Hit your targets, reduce administrative overhead
Make every project a success. Map out each step and organize all the details of your work in one place.

Project Work At Your Fingertips
See where work stands in a flash, identify next steps, and quickly take action to stay on track.

Perfect Reviews
“Amazing product, great for managing projects, resources & time! We would highly recommend to any business.”
Trusted By 1000's of Customers Worldwide
“I don’t think of it as just a PPM system, but rather as a business solution that enables me to manage my entire business on a daily basis. We seen a monthly calculated saving of 18.5% on-time usually spent using legacy systems, spreadsheets, and outdated methods”

Brian PavIidis, CEO
Net2Net IT Solutions

Our Proven 9 Steps To Best
Practice Project Delivery
We’ve been successfully implementing PPM solutions since 2010. Our experienced consultants are with you every step of the way.
Review your current business approach
We review your current business approach and get a clear understanding of your projects and objectives.
Design & configure a best practice proposal process
Manage your entire project proposal lifecycle including stakeholders, proposed budgets, and company objectives.
Design & configure a best practice time & expense tracking process
Allow your team to instantly see the time and expenses associated with projects. Get real-time insites into cost and resource allocation.
Design & configure a best practice Project Delivery process
Enable your project team to proactively collaborate on projects and maintain real-time and accurate project status throughout the project life cycle.
Design & configure a best practice Resource Planning process
A resource dashboard showing your entire team’s allocation allows you to efficiently level resource demand on projects and proposals.
Design & configure a best practice Cross Charge process
Eliminate the confusion and overhead of your internal budget allocation process with integrated cross charging. Reduce your cross charge reporting cycle from days to hours.
Design & configure best practice Dashboards & Reports
Configurable dashboards keep you informed on what’s really going on with your projects in real-time. Align your dashboard to what’s meaningful and measurable based on your specific needs and role.
Full Cycle Validation & User Training
Our consultants ensure all users are fully trained on all functionality associated with their role so they can gain the best possible benefit from the solution.
Go live with a streamlined Project Delivery process
Like our diverse clients worldwide, you’ll enjoy the benefits of streamlined project delivery that includes reduced overhead tasks, reduced costs, and real time forecasting and reporting.
General Questions
Project portfolio management (PPM) is the centralized management of multiple projects. With project portfolio management, you gain visibility across projects and initiatives in order to connect your team’s daily work to your company’s organizational strategy.
Good project portfolio management helps the board to define and realize key objectives, helping to properly assign resources, improve the quality of services and critically strategically align project portfolios.
Our project portfolio management software solution can be used in any industry. We currently have clients in Healthcare; Life Sciences; Engineering & Construction; Public Sector; Enterprise Project Management Offices around the world, in areas such as utilities, financial services, transport, etc.)
A Gantt Chart is a table that illustrates the course of a project and all the elements involved. Simply put, it is a timeline view of all your upcoming tasks and deadlines.
Ready To Implement Best Practice Project Delivery?
Ready to see Continuum PPM in action? This is the very first step to best practice project delivery.
Need help? Call our award-winning team on 1-888-528-3898

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